Metering, Billing/CRM Europe. 09 – 11 October 2012
In October 2012, “EMBEE” took part in the annual exhibition “Metering, Billing / CRM Europe 2012” which is held in the conference center RAI, Amsterdam.
At the exhibition was demonstrate EMBEE debug stand. The stand consists of 1000 ZigBee modems that operate in one network and all are managed by one coordinator.
Demonstration stand with really working MESH – network with 1000 radio modems (nodes and end devices) has demonstrated to potential customer our high level and thorough approach to the business. ·
Stand and demonstration radio sniffer that displays real-time radio network, became bright demonstration of professionalism in the creation of our product – highly reliable ZigBee radio network that can become reliable and modern basis for AMR and ASU systems.